The Structuring Creativity Foundation leverages the principles and framework of Stanford University's Life Design Program and provides Life and Career Coaching for college students, recent college graduates and mid-career professionals looking to create a rewarding life and a fulfilling career.  


The Foundation also offers induction programs to Universities enabling students to kick-off their academic journeys with a plan, vision and confidence.


Students and Professionals are empowered to create a blueprint of options of lives they want to lead and are guided to choose wisely. 

Why Structuring Creativity Foundation?

Data says that the number of students entering the job market is fairly enormous, but the bottom line is, most are not employable.

  • 3.5+ crore graduate every year in India (AISHE by MHRD Report)
  • 15 lakh post graduate degrees are awarded every year
  • Nasscom says only 25% of graduates working in IT are readily employable, while it is roughly 15% for back-office jobs.
  • Consulting firm 'Aspiring Minds' says merely 4.22% of engineering graduates are employable in product companies and only 17% in IT services.

For most, education is a means to get a good job. But sometimes, just learning what is taught in colleges is not enough to succeed at a career or life. There is a need to form a vision and a plan, learn attitudes and behavior which will enable these individuals to find fulfilment in thelr lives and set forth on a rewarding career.

What is the objective of the Structuring Creativity Foundation?

In countries like India, creativity is killed in favour of acquiring skills which would enable an individual to become employable.  Being productive is valued more than being creative - the lines of code the employee writes or the number of test scripts he runs is valued more than any other insight he provides.

Creativity is not like a tap which can be opened at will to let the 'creative juices' out. Creativity requires the right attitude, mindset and intent. Creativity in different areas, like many other skills can be learnt, practiced and improved. 

The desired outcome of our efforts is to enable participants to design a blueprint of options of how they could create lives they want to lead, help them choose wisely and prepare them for a fulfilling career and a rewarding life.

Who is behind 'Structuring Creativity Foundation'?

Junaid is the founder and the vision behind the 'Structuring Creativity Foundation'. 

  • Junaid founded the Structuring Creativity Foundation with a vision to enable youth to plan and live a better version of their lives by finding meaning in their life and fulfilment at work.
  • Junaid is Stanford Life Design Educator for Universities and a Certified Designing Your Life (DYL) Coach.
  • Junaid has a couple of MS Degrees - one in Psychology and another in Electrical Engineering.
  • Junaid has extensive Industry experience as a Design Practitioner working with organisations such as Adobe, Oracle, ABB, IBM, Intel, etc in his career spread over fifteen years.
  • Junaid is also the author of the self-help book 'Creating Your Life in 101 Steps' and a fiction novel 'And We Remained'.

Contact: Junaid can be reached at junaid (at) structuringcreativity (dot) com or schedule a time with him for a 1:1 session through this link.


If you are a student or recent graduate, or a mid-career professional unsure about where your life and career are heading and  are looking for guidance, write to us with details about your background, for a free introductory session to know more about how the Life Design framework can help you. 


If you are part of a university/ college who wants to conduct a program/ workshop on Life Design for the students of your university/ college, please connect with us and we'll take it forward. 


Write to junaid(at)structuringcreativity(dot)com or use the contact form below.

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“The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Seek therefore, not to find out Who You Are, but seek to determine Who You Want to Be.” -Neale Donald Walsh

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